LISTEN: Shocking clip of Chesterfield man '˜giving his dog a pasting' - DISTRESSING CONTENT

Sooty is now on the road to recoverySooty is now on the road to recovery
Sooty is now on the road to recovery
A man has been banned from owning animals for eight years after admitting giving his dog '˜a bit of a pasting'.

Martin Johnson, 31, of Wenlock Walk, Grassmoor, pleaded guilty to causing unncessary suffering to the dog at Chesterfield magistrates’ court on Thursday, May 18.

Prosecuting, Andy Cash, said: “On February 9 2017 the RSPCA received an audio clip which was the defendant shouting at the dog which is now known to be Sooty.

“The defendant was arrested and the dogs were recovered.”

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Sooty is now on the road to recoverySooty is now on the road to recovery
Sooty is now on the road to recovery

In the police interview, Johnson made full admissions and said: “I did not beat him up I slapped him.

“I did give him a bit of a pasting.

“I dragged him outside. I went over the top with him.

“I raised my fist at him.”

Sooty is now on the road to recoverySooty is now on the road to recovery
Sooty is now on the road to recovery

A few seconds of the audio clip of Johnson shouting at Sooty was played during court.

Johnson could be heard shouting at the dog: “If I tell you to do something I expect you to do it.”

The dog could also be heard to be in distress when Johnson said: “Shut it.”

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Defending, David Gittins, said: “The dog was not malnourished or ill treated in that respect. It is behaving quite normally now. The dog is now in the care of the society.”

Sooty and another dog called Pearl have now been handed over to the RSPCA.

Johnson received a 12-week jail sentence, suspended for 12 months. He must also complete 15 rehabilitation activity days and pay a £115 victim surcharge and £200 court costs.

*The audio clip was released by the RSPCA to highlight the shocking nature of this incident.

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