Stars of the Sixties set for Steel City show

Sensational 60s Experience legend Mike Pender.Sensational 60s Experience legend Mike Pender.
Sensational 60s Experience legend Mike Pender.
Weighing in at more than 60 dates between October and June 2018, The Sensational 60s Experience is just about the biggest show dedicated to the music of that decade.

And this time, the line-up is colossal, with six artists – three groups and three solo artists.

Performing solo this time around are Handbags and Gladrags singer Chris Farlowe, who had a number one with Out of Time former Manfred Mann lead singer Mike D’Abo and The Searchers co-founder Mike Pender, the man on sang on all their classic hits such as Sweets For My Sweet and, Needles And Pins, writes Martin Hutchinson.

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Also on the bill are The New Amen Corner, who will entertaining with classics such as If Paradise Is Half As Nice and Bend Me Shape Me and tour stalwarts Herman’s Hermits, performing their iconic Sixties hits including I’m Into Something Good, No Milk Today and There’s A Kind Of Hush.

The Fortunes, whose hits spread over into the Seventies with You’ve Got Your Troubles, Here It Comes Again and Storm In A Teacup, are making their second appearance on the tour.

And guitarist and singer Mike Smitham says “The Geordie Boys – promoters Alan Wearmouth and Billy McGregor, of Stageright Promotions – always put on a great show and they always look after the bands.

“The worst part of it is the travelling as I do all the driving.”

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It is a sentiment echoed by 76-year-old Mike Pender, lead singer of The Searchers from its formation in 1959 to 1985.

“I still enjoy the touring, but not the travelling,” he says. “In fact, I still look forward to any sort of 60’s show as they’re always a success.

“And it’s because of all the hits. If you can’t get a crowd to enjoy all those great songs, then that’s the time you give up.

“I don’t feel my age, in fact I don’t think about it – it’s just a number. I’ll go on for as long as I can.”

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“The Mike Pender’s Searchers shows are few and far between these days, this tour is the sort of gig that I prefer doing these days.

“It’s difficult when you have your own band when the members are spread around the country. The logistics can be a problem.

“On this tour, I’ll be doing about half an hour, so I’ll squeeze in as many hits as I can, plus the chat which people seem to enjoy.

“I usually also do one surprise song – on my last tour it was Solitaire; Searchers fans always seem to request it.

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