FUEL PRICES: The cheapest diesel and petrol in Chesterfield

Fuel pricesFuel prices
Fuel prices
Do you need to fill up with fuel before heading out in the car?

If so, here are the latest prices from across the area.


Sainsburys Chesterfield - 100.9p

Tesco Chesterfield Extra - 101.9p

Tesco Clay Cross Extra, Harris Way - 101.9p

Brimington Service Station, High Street - 102.9p


Tesco Chesterfield Extra - 100.9p

Morrisons Chesterfield - 100.9p

Sainsburys Chesterfield - 100.9p

Tesco Clay Cross Extra, Harris Way - 101.9p

Spar Hasland, Mansfield Road, Hasland - 103.9p

SOURCE: www.petrolprices.com